Statutory Policies
Please note: Individual admissions policies for schools are held on their school websites. Some policies below are template policies for school to update on a locally agreed basis.
Files to Download
02. CAT Capability Policy & Procedure.pdf 03. CAT Pay Policy 2024-2025.pdf 04. CAT Grievance Policy.pdf 05. CAT Disciplinary Policy & Procedure.pdf 07. CAT Whistleblowing Policy.pdf 08. CAT Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf 09. CAT Finance Handbook 2024.pdf 10. CAT Health and Safety Policy.pdf 11. CAT Freedom of Information Publication Scheme.pdf 12. CAT Critical Incident Management Plan - TEMPLATE.pdf 13c. CAT Privacy Notice for Pupils .pdf 13c. CAT Privacy Notice for Workforce.doc .pdf 13c. CAT Privacy Notice for Workforce.pdf 13e. CAT Privacy Notice for Recruitment.pdf 13f Privacy Notice for Governors and Trustees (1).pdf 13f Privacy Notice for Governors and Trustees (3).pdf 14a. CAT Single Equality Policy (1).pdf 14b. CAT Equality Objectives TEMPLATE - academies to update.pdf 14c. CAT Public Sector Equality Duty Statement (1).pdf 14d. CAT Equality and Excellence Audit TEMPLATE - to be updated by individual academies (1).pdf 17. CAT Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf 2. CAT Statement of Behaviour Principles.pdf 20. CAT Special Educational Needs Disability.pdf 21. CAT Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs & FA Policy.pdf 22. CAT Suspensions and Exclusions Policy.pdf 23. Complaints Policy and procedure Academies.pdf 23c.CAT Privacy Notice for Pupils.pdf 23c.CAT Privacy Notice for Pupils.pdf 24. CAT Managing Allegations Against Adults Statement (1).pdf 24a. CAT Data Protection Policy inc. the Protection of Biometric Information.pdf 24a. CAT Data Protection Policy inc. the Protection of Biometric Information.pdf 25. CAT Public Sector Equality Duty Statement.pdf 26. CAT Public Sector Equality Duty Statement.pdf 31. CAT Governor and Trustees Allowances Policy.pdf 32. CAT Pupils with Additional Health Needs Attendance Policy.pdf 32. CAT Pupils with Additional Health Needs Attendance Policy.pdf 34 CAT ECF Policy.pdf 36. CAT Statement of Accounting Policies.pdf 38. CAT Terms & Conditions.pdf 39. CAT Reserves Policy.pdf 40. Managing Serial and Vexatious Complaints and for Managing Unreasonable and Persistent Contact.pdf 42. CAT Cyber Response Plan- Template Policy.pdf 46. CAT Debt Recovery Policy.pdf 6. CAT Early Years and Foundation Stage Policy.pdf 9. CAT BHA Admissions Policy BHA- Model Template .pdf CAT CE Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25 .pdf CAT CWAC Safeguarding Policy 2024 .pdf CAT Wirral Appendices 2024-25 .pdf CAT Wirral Safeguarding Policy 2024-2025.pdf